Eyelid Trauma

Eyelid Trauma

There are many different types of injuries that ultimately result in eyelid trauma. Eyelids are delicate in nature and can be injured by objects regardless if they are sharp or blunt. The human eyelid has a highly exceptional anatomy which makes it somewhat difficult to repair. Whenever there is any kind of eyelid trauma, it’s imperative for your doctor to sit down and evaluate the eyeball and surrounding structures (for example orbital bones and tear ducts). Dr. Abedi has been trained extensively and has many years of specialized experience in repairing both simple and complex eyelid traumas. She is an Oculoplastic surgeon with the specialized experience in repairing eyelids that have undergone trauma preforming complicated revisional eyelid surgery in patients that may have had prior eyelid trauma surgery in the past. In some cases, the eyelid margin where two ends meet didn’t heal properly, in which case patients feel discomfort, severe irritation, red eyes, and tearing. The Doctor’s training in eyelid reconstruction allows for a perspective and assistance that patients are very thankful for. After performing a full comprehensive examination and determining the severity of trauma, the Doctor may repair the eyelid in the office with general anesthesia or in the emergency room. There some, more complicated cases where the innermost structures of the eyelid are involved where Dr. Abedi may require an operating room setting and some form of anesthesia.

Common Terminology for Eyelid Trauma

    • Perforating trauma: The eyeball has been disturbed by an entry wound and can be associated with the innermost contents of the eyeball. This is a case which needs to be urgently evaluated by an ophthalmologist and repaired if possible

    • Closed globe injury or Non-penetrating trauma: A case where the eyeball is intact, but there might be damage to the eye that requires immediate treatment. An ophthalmologist should evaluate the eye and treat the injuries if possible.

    • Penetrating trauma: The eyeball has suffered an entry wound and can be associated with the innermost contents of the eyeball. Before any action is taken for eyelid repair, injuries to the eyeball need to be addressed and repaired by an ophthalmologist.

    • Blowout fracture of the orbit: This is when a fracture of the orbital bones takes place, usually resulting from a blunt trauma. The most common locations for fractures are the orbital floor and the medial wall. This happens due to a sudden increased pressure on the orbital contents from the trauma. If the case is significant enough, the orbital fracture may need to be repaired.

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